Friday, June 02, 2006

New Vantage Point

Something to share...

This is a nice quote... Sometimes we think that as we progress forward in our lives achieving the results we want, our focus is on the end goal. For some of us, the goal is clear and for some there is some more definition to do. Often, after we arrive at the goal and review what we have achieved, we often measure ourselves based on that result alone.

But I feel that it is equally, if not more important to realise that, as we strive for excellence and continue along the path of perfection, we can be pleasantly surprised by the wonderful things we have learned, the amazing people we have met, the moments of inspiration that flash by and the people you have made a difference to, all of these things add spice to what we call life.

So, in other words, lets not loose sight of our goals, keep them in clear view and recognise that at each step of the way, there is a new 'view' to reflect and new moment to make a difference.

I hope this quote gives you energy and the inspiration to stretch yourself as you climb to the peak. It has for me, at this very moment, in my study room, 2 more days to Chinese New Year.

Best regards,
Thu, 26 Jan 2006

"Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance toward the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point."
Harold V Melchert

Simple Abundance

What I learnt yesterday still resonates in me today. Where was I?

I was among a group of outstanding people that had come together for a purpose. And I felt so encouraged, inspired and grateful, not by what they said, but by their actions and their spirit.

As I looked into their eyes, it was not what they had with them, it was far more valuable than that.
It was what they could become!

It was someting that, as you sit by the sea and look out into the vast ocean and listen to the waves break the shore and feel the cool wind blow against your face and body, you squint to see a beautiful sunrise, and suddenly the rays of the sun like arrows radiates towards you, as if someone placed a warm blanket over you.

It felt reassuring and it went straight to the heart and stayed there.

I think everyone went home yesterday, believing that a miracle came true for them. I was there and honestly, it did. And as we departed, we knew that something powerful had happened that day.

"You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are gratef! ul for, the more will be given you."
Sarah Ban Breathnach, Simple Abundance

Here's something to view as you begin this week. A very different week than any other in your life. Make it great!

Become the bridge and you will directly and indirectly effect many people in this world and have them be successful in their life as they achieve their dreams and leave a legacy for future generations to come.

To your success,
Wiling & KC
MADE Penang
March 6th 2006

Would'nt It Be Wonderful

I'm a buddhist. But I don't think my parents decided which religion I should follow, but I have attended Sunday School, enjoyed singing Christmas carols and giving Christmas present.
So when I talk about subjects like the below quote, to me it is a higher power that humbles me, teaches me, so that I am forever grateful to know that I have so much more to learn each day.

I like this quote as I like all good quotes...

"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, I've used everything you gave me."
- Erma Bombeck, writer

Would'nt it be wonderful...

if each day you found that you had learnt something you didn't know?

if each day you discovered that you had more courage then you ever thought you had?

if each day you saw a brighter side of yourself you thought was in the shadows?

if each day you reached a little higher and touched a star?

if each day you raised up a heavy heart and made it shine brighter than it did before?

if each day you saw further in to the horizone and you saw your goal?

if each day you held on tighter to a dream you longed for?

if each day you embraced something new and applied it for good cause?

if each day you touched someones heart by sharing your own?

if each day you cried a happy tear of joy?

if each day you felt like you were on top of the world?

if each day you opened up your life to allow all the goodness to enter?

if each day you created a new beginning and watched it grow into greatness?

if each day you lived like you never lived before?

if each day you only looked at the good things in life and celebrated it?

if each day you gave everything you had and know that you would do it again tomorrow?

if each day you made a difference?

It would be a wonderful day!

"Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good n! ews is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!"
- Anne Frank
1929-1945, Jewish Refugee and Diarist

Happy Monday!

To your success!
Wiling Tan
March 20th, 2006

How do you find gold?

I came home tonight after a BOM session. It was a good session. When I came in the door, I asked my mother who was sitting on the sofa with father this question.

Wiling: "How do you find gold?"
Mother: "By sifting through tons of earth and using water to wash it out."
Wiling: "That's how we find Executives."

We laughed.

Then my father told me this story that he heard way back in his universitiy days in NanYang University (1960's)

"There was this lecturer that decided to give a special talk on how to always remember what you studied. So everyone in the university came to listen, there were so many people at the talk that it was packed. Everyone wanted to know how to remember what they had studied. This was also because there was an exam coming up soon. So the lecturer gave his talk and it was 2 hours long. The subject was about how the brain worked as he was a biologist.

At the end of the talk, all the students were wondering why he hadn't mentioned the main topic "How to remember what you studied." As the lecturer walked down the podium and was about to leave, the now anxious students shouted for him to tell them how to remember what they had studied.

The lecturer turned around and asked the student: How many words do you want to remember? The student replied: 100 words. The lecture explained that a typical person can remember 10% of what they studied. So he said: 'Study 1000 words!'. Then another student angrily shouted: 'I need to remember 1000 words for my exam!' The lecturer calmly said: 'then study 10,000 words.' "

As you can see, this applies perfectly to our business of sifting through the earth to find gold. If we want 12 Execs, we sift 12 tons of earth, that is on average 1 ton yields 1 exec.

So if you find yourself in a situation where you want to enrol 100 people, then talk and share with 1000 people. This is the nature of the business.

Some may say that this is just luck, but always remember that luck favours those who are prepared. To get more luck and to improve your efficiency/odds, come to training, read & listen, duplicate leaders to improve your skills.

As Jim Rohn once said:
Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better,
Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills,
Don't wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.

The funny thing about this story from my father is, he has never told me about this story before and on hindsight it is so applicable to our business.

We need to continuosly remind ourselves to keep planting the FFG seeds, to keep talking and sharing until we achieve our goal.

"It's the constant and determined effort that breaks down all resistance, sweeps away all obstacles."
- Claude M. Bristol, 1891-1951, Author of "The Magic of Believing"

“The secret of success is constancy of purpose.”
- Benjamin Disraeli

"Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did."
- Newt Gingrich (Politician, Author, Academic)

To your success,
Wiling Tan
April 6th' 2006

A Little Nut

How will you hold your ground?
What roots will we need to grow, how deep. I'm sure you remember that even solid rock or concrete, cannot stop roots from cracking them open.
And after that, imagine how beautiful this tree will be in the sun, in the wind and in your mind.

Imagine your success, every detail of it, every feeling you get.... in your mind.
There is no better place to practice recieving your reward or desired result, than in you mind.
And what your mind believes, it will achieve.
And that's a fact!

By Wiling
Wed, 3 Aug 2005

"The greatest oak was once a little nut who held its ground. "

Author Unknown (Thank you)

A River

But, if the river did cut through rock with it's power,
the edges of the rock would be course and unrefined.
While with persistence, a river smooths over the edges and polishes the rock,
creating beauty and elegance.

Change does takes time, but the decision to change only takes a blink of an eye to make.


To your success!
Mon, 17 Oct 2005

"A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence. "
Jim Watkins

Think Big and your Mind will Catch Up!

Our mind is a very powerful thing.
It's goal is to preserve your safety, and therefore it's safety.

It will tell you shut up when you want to say something.
So it doesn't get embarrased!

It will tell you to slow down when you want to go fast.
So it doesn't fall down and get bruised!

It will tell you that you are tired when you want to take action.
So it doesn't have to anything!

It will convince you to remain at status quo, when you want to change.
So it doesn't have to change!

It will remind you that you have limitations when you want to break free.
So it doesn't have to take anymore risk!

It will tell you to close your eys and mind when you really want to see.
So it doesn't have to learn new things.. again!

So, how can we stop our mind from controlling us?

Our mind is a very powerful thing.
If however, you decide to go fast, do your task, change, break free and see...

Just Do It!

Because after you have DECIDED, your mind has no choice but to do it.

It too wants to feel good, accomplished and powerful.

It can only get it by achieving more than it has.

Your mind will then be your greatest coach!

In fact, your mind was never out of your control,
You gave it control...

It's time to take it back!

Think Big and your Mind will Catch Up!

To your success!
Wiling Tan

This quote (below) speaks towards this truth.

"Lack and limitation can only exist when we make room for them in our mind."
Bob Proctor

Be Grateful To Everyone

Be Thankful.

Sometimes we are all too familiar with the people around us that we are quick to discover weaknesses and short comings, this is not a healthy thing. It leads to comparison and degeneration of relationships and negativitism.

We must see strengths and appreciate them. And even if, what we see is negative, it is also a positive when you look at it in a different way.
Learning to look at things in a positive note, is really attaining a sense of enlightenment and happiness.

"Do not trivialise and take for granted being Positive.
Negativity, like a virus, is not selective, it kills all."

Here is a great learning from Buddhism, although some of you are of different religion, I think it touches all of us as humans and what we take for granted.
by Wiling Tan

Everybody is creating a space for you to be transformed -- even those who think they are obstructing you, even those whom you think are enemies. Your friends, your enemies, good people and bad people, favorable circumstances, unfavorable circumstances -- all together they are creating the context in which you can be transformed and become a buddha. Be grateful to all.

A man once came and spat on Buddha, on his face. Of course his disciples were enraged. His closest disciple, Ananda, said to him, "This is too much!" He was red-hot with anger. He said to Buddha, "Just give me permission so that I can show this man what he has done."

Buddha wiped his face and said to the man, "Thank you, sir. You created a context in which I could see whether I can still be angry or not. And I am not, and I am tremendously happy. And also you created a context for Ananda: now he can see that he can still be angry. Many thanks, we are so grateful! Once in a while, please, you are invited to come. Whenever you have the urge to spit on somebody, you can come to us."

It was such a shock to the man, he could not believe his ears, what was happening. He had come expecting that he would anger Buddha. He had failed. The whole night he could not sleep, he tossed and turned and could not sleep. Continuously the idea haunted him -- his spitting on the Buddha, one of the most insulting things, and Buddha remaining as calm and quiet as he had been before, as if nothing had happened, wiping his face and saying to him, "Thank you, sir. And whenever you have this desire to spit on somebody, please come to us."

He remembered it again and again. That face, that calm and quiet face, those compassionate eyes. And when he had said thank you, it had not been just a formality, he was really grateful. His whole being was saying that he was grateful, his whole atmosphere was grateful. Just as he could see that Ananda was red-hot with anger, Buddha was so cool, so loving, so compassionate. He could not forgive himself now, what had he done? Spitting on that man -- a man like Buddha!

Early the next morning he rushed back, fell down at the feet of Buddha, and said, "Forgive me, sir. I could not sleep the whole night."

Buddha said, "Forget all about it. There is no need to ask forgiveness for something which has already passed. So much water has gone down the Ganges." Buddha was sitting on the bank of the Ganges under a tree. He showed the man, "Look, each moment so much water is flowing down! Twenty-four hours have passed -- why are you carrying it, something which is no longer existential? Forget all about it." And I cannot forgive you, because in the first place I was not angry with you. If I had been angry, I could have forgiven you. If you really need forgiveness, ask Ananda. Fall at his feet -- he will enjoy it!"

Be grateful to everyone. To those who have helped, to those who have hindered, to those who have been indifferent. Be grateful to all, because all together they are creating the context in which buddhas are born, in which you can become a buddha, a Christ consciousness.
~Osho (Forwarded by a Friend, BS Ang)

The General

The general who is able to persuade his forces that there is victory, even where there seems to be defeat, is one who will inspire them to fight against apparently impossible odds. They will, indeed, never suffer defeat, but will fight on until annihilated by capture or death. The secret of success even in the more pacific engagements of life lies in this principle — to be undaunted in ardour, in spite of failure; to recognise in failure a step towards ultimate success. Let a man be possessed with these, and victory is within his grasp, whether he recognises it or not.

- H. E. E. Hayes, "“Mohammed, The Prophet of Islam”"

My best, andrew