Friday, June 02, 2006

Would'nt It Be Wonderful

I'm a buddhist. But I don't think my parents decided which religion I should follow, but I have attended Sunday School, enjoyed singing Christmas carols and giving Christmas present.
So when I talk about subjects like the below quote, to me it is a higher power that humbles me, teaches me, so that I am forever grateful to know that I have so much more to learn each day.

I like this quote as I like all good quotes...

"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, I've used everything you gave me."
- Erma Bombeck, writer

Would'nt it be wonderful...

if each day you found that you had learnt something you didn't know?

if each day you discovered that you had more courage then you ever thought you had?

if each day you saw a brighter side of yourself you thought was in the shadows?

if each day you reached a little higher and touched a star?

if each day you raised up a heavy heart and made it shine brighter than it did before?

if each day you saw further in to the horizone and you saw your goal?

if each day you held on tighter to a dream you longed for?

if each day you embraced something new and applied it for good cause?

if each day you touched someones heart by sharing your own?

if each day you cried a happy tear of joy?

if each day you felt like you were on top of the world?

if each day you opened up your life to allow all the goodness to enter?

if each day you created a new beginning and watched it grow into greatness?

if each day you lived like you never lived before?

if each day you only looked at the good things in life and celebrated it?

if each day you gave everything you had and know that you would do it again tomorrow?

if each day you made a difference?

It would be a wonderful day!

"Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good n! ews is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!"
- Anne Frank
1929-1945, Jewish Refugee and Diarist

Happy Monday!

To your success!
Wiling Tan
March 20th, 2006

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